
Zucchini and Potato Cakes

There are a lot of potato pancake recipes out in the world. I don’t pretend to be an expert, but this is the one my mom taught me to make years ago, and it has always been one of my family’s favorites. It is similar to latkes, but a more Italian-ish version (thanks to the pecorino, oregano, and garlic). They’re crispy on the outside and, thanks to the zucchini, almost creamy on the inside. It’s an easy meal to throw together and a perfect way to use up all of the late-summer zucchini, especially the large zucchini. 

When I made this recipe for the blog, I was using one large, slightly overgrown zucchini from my garden but small zucchini work well too. Since zucchini come in so many different sizes, I’m giving you the weight instead of the quantity. 

Also be aware that this recipe makes a lot, or at least enough for a family of four. It can easily be cut in half. 

As I so often say, don’t get too hung up by the measurements (do you really think that I measure the cheese?). This recipe doesn’t need to be perfect. Want to use more zucchini and less potato or vice versa? Go for it. More cheese? Of course! Fresh herbs? Yes, do it! Make it your own.

Zucchini and Potato Cakes

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  • Approximately 400 grams of zucchini, shredded or grated (see note)
  • 6 small gold potatoes, peeled and shredded or grated
  • 1 - 2 large cloves of garlic, grated or minced
  • ½ cup of flour, plus more if needed
  • ¼ cup of pecorino or parmesan
  • ½ teaspoon (approximately) of dried oregano
  • Salt and pepper
  • Red pepper flakes
  • 1 - 2 eggs
  • Extra virgin olive oil



Begin by shredding the zucchini and potatoes. I recommend using a food processor, but you can use a box grater, if need be. Once the zucchini and potatoes have been shredded, place them on a dish towel and squeeze out the excess liquid over the sink. It’s easier if you do this in small batches. The more liquid you can squeeze out, the less flour you will need to use.


Once done, place the zucchini and potatoes in a large mixing bowl. Add the garlic, flour, cheese, oregano, a generous pinch of salt, a few grinds of pepper, and red pepper flakes, to taste. Next add the eggs. I usually start with one and add another one if the mixture seems dry or seems like it won’t hold together. Stir everything together with a large spoon or your hands (I use my hands).


Next drizzle a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into a large non-stick pan and heat over medium heat. Once the oil is hot, take a handful of the mixture and gently form it into a patti-like shape in your hand. Place it in the pan and press down so it flattens more (careful - the oil may splatter). Fit as many as you can in the pan (usually 3 or 4, depending how big they are). Let cook until nicely brown and crisp and then flip to cook the other side.


Once done, place on a paper towel lined plate. If you’re making a lot and want them to stay warm, you can place them on a baking tray and place in the oven to keep warm (oven temperature around 250 degrees will be fine).


Before starting the next batch, check the mixture. If I’m in a hurry and don’t squeeze a lot of water out of the potatoes and zucchini at the beginning, sometimes my mixture starts to get a little runny at this point. If this happens to you, don’t panic. Just add a little more flour.


Before adding the next batch to the saute pan, add a little more olive oil to the pan. The next batch (or next two or three batches, depending on how many you make), may brown faster. Keep an eye on the them and turn the heat down a little, if necessary.


Once done, you can serve them with fresh herbs on top and/or yogurt. Or eat them right off of the plate while cooking, if you’re anything like me. Enjoy!


When I made this recipe for the blog, I weighed the zucchini I had after I shredded it, and it was around 400 grams. You don’t need to be exact about this number.

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