Beans/ Salads/ Vegetarian

Potato, Cannellini, and Green Bean Salad

Yesterday I got so hot in my kitchen that I swore I’m not turning the oven on for the rest of the week, maybe even the rest of the summer. This is silly, of course, for in no time at all, I’ll start craving something that requires the oven, and I’ll proclaim that it’s fine, it won’t be that hot, I can turn the oven on. 

So right now I’m all for things that can be cooked quickly on the stove top or on the grill or even prepped in the morning when the kitchen is still cool enough for me to stand. I’m also all about high energy foods this time of the year, for between running and working out in my garden, I need foods that really fill me up without slowing me down. 

Enter: this salad. It fits all of the above requirements, and I’ve been making it over and over again lately. It takes inspiration from Salade Nicoise. Everything can be done ahead of time and eaten cold. It makes a great lunch or dinner (or even breakfast, if that’s your thing), and it’s definitely more filling than your average salad. 

It’s also flexible. Don’t have green beans? Try asparagus. Don’t have red potatoes? Use gold. Want to make it vegan? Just leave out the eggs. The one thing I highly recommend not changing is the dressing. The whole grain mustard is key. 

Lastly, don’t get too hung up on the quantities listed in the ingredient list below. I’m not going to tell you exactly how much to cook and how much to put in your bowl. That’s up to you. You can pile on extra potatoes and leave the greens off entirely, if you want. I won’t judge. Also take advantage of the boiling pot of water to cook extra of everything for other meals. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be happy to have extras for quick meals later in the week. 

Potato, Cannellini, and Green Bean Salad

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A high energy salad for busy summer days. I highly recommend cooking extras for leftovers.


  • For the dressing:
  • 2 ½ to 3 tablespoons of whole grain mustard*
  • 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • For the Salad:
  • 2 - 3 large red skin potatoes, roughly chopped
  • ¾ to 1 pound of green beans
  • 2 - 4 eggs (optional)
  • 1 (15 ounce) can of cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 clove of garlic, grated
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Salad greens, such as romaine or arugula
  • Topping Ideas:
  • Yellow or white onion, diced
  • Cherry tomatoes, halved
  • Pickled red onions
  • Fresh basil



The dressing: mix the mustard, vinegar, and olive oil in a small jar or bowl. This dressing is meant to be very acidic for the potatoes, but taste and add more olive oil if it is too strong for your taste.


The cannellini beans: place them in a bowl and add the grated clove of garlic, a few grinds of pepper, a large pinch of salt, and a drizzle of olive oil. Stir it all together and set aside.


The green beans: Bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Salt the water. Cook the green beans for 5 - 6 minutes. For this salad, they’re best when they still have a little bit of crunch to them. Remove them from the pot without draining the water. Rinse them in cold water to help them stay crisp.


The potatoes: Now add the potatoes to the same pot of salted water. Cook for 15 - 20 minutes or until you can easily pierce the potatoes with a fork. (The time may vary depending on the size of the potatoes). Remove without draining the water and immediately toss the potatoes with a little bit of the dressing. The hot potatoes will absorb the flavors.


The eggs: In the same pot of water, add the eggs, if you’re using them. Cover the pot and turn the heat down to low. Cook for 10 minutes. Drain immediately and place the eggs in an ice bath to cool.


Assemble: This salad can be served warm or cold. When ready to eat, place your desired amounts of each ingredient in a large bowl, along with some salad greens (if you’re using them). Topping ideas: diced yellow or white onion, cherry tomatoes, pickled red onions, and fresh basil. Pour on the dressing and enjoy!


*A note about the whole grain mustard: I find that each brand is slightly different. You may need to use less or more depending on the brand. I love the strong mustard flavor in this salad, so I really pour a lot on. Adjust the amount for your taste.

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