Baking/ Berries

Basic Fruit Crisp

Serious question: do you eat pie for the crust or the filling? Because my mom and husband both love the crust but for me it’s all about the filling. I guess that’s why I love a good fruit crisp. It’s basically just a crust-less pie but with a good crunchy topping. Plus it’s kind of a lazy dessert that doesn’t have to be exact and still always tastes delicious.

Although I didn’t feel very patriotic yesterday, I did make a very patriotic looking dessert for our family cookout. Pictured below is my triple berry fruit crisp. This recipe is so simple and works with any fruit. Yesterday I used strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries but I also love this recipe with peaches and apples. 

Do I measure the fruit? No, I don’t. I cut up the fruit and place it in the baking dish until it looks like a good amount. I do measure everything out for the topping, though. So if you’re the type of person who likes to eyeball the ingredients, go ahead and eyeball the fruit. Just be sure to measure everything else. 

My favorite thing about a basic recipe like this is that it’s so open to creativity. Try different fruit combinations. Add spices. Maybe even try adding dried fruit in with the fresh. Really, almost anything works, and it always tastes delicious.

After baking

Basic Fruit Crisp

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Basically a crust-less pie that works for every season, but works especially well in the peak of summer. This is my basic recipe. Have fun being creative with the filling.


  • For the fruit:
  • Enough fruit to fill a standard pie dish (see note below)
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
  • 1 - 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (see second note below)
  • 2 tablespoons of all purpose flour
  • The Crumble Topping:
  • ½ cup old fashioned oats
  • ½ cup all purpose flour
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 6 tablespoons cold butter



Preheat the oven to 375.


To prepare the fruit: Place the fruit in the pie dish (I use a standard size pie dish but any similar size baking dish will work). You want enough fruit to reach the top of the dish but remember to save a little space for the crumble topping.


Add the brown sugar, lemon juice, and flour to the fruit and gently combine. (I sometimes do this right in the pie dish. Move the fruit to a large bowl if you're having trouble stirring).


To prepare the crumble: Place the oats, flour, brown sugar, and salt in a bowl and combine. Cut the cold butter into small cubes and add to the bowl. Using your hand, squeeze the butter into the oat/flour/sugar mixture until everything is combined and an almost dough-like ball forms.


Sprinkle the crumble mixture over the fruit. Bake at 375 for 30 - 35 minutes or until the fruit is bubbly and the crumble is browned. Serve warm or cold.


Note about the fruit: I literally just add fruit to the pie dish until it looks like enough. I do have a note that in the past when making a berry crisp I used an 18 ounce pack of blueberries and a one pound pack of strawberries. Yesterday I added a 6 ounce pack of raspberries and less blueberries and strawberries. For an apple crisp I used seven apples. Use that as a guideline. Note about the lemon: Two tablespoons for apples. If you’re using tart berries, just one tablespoon will be fine. I also sometimes don't even measure the lemon. This is a lazy dessert.

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