Online Recipes I Love/ Vegetarian

Recipes I Can’t Stop Making – December Edition

Here we are at December. Where have the past few weeks gone? I honestly had every intention of posting these links back in November, but then Thanksgiving prep hit and my to-do list went right out the window.

I’m still here, though, and I’m still cooking. And I don’t know about anyone else, but I find that in the weeks after Thanksgiving, everything I make has very strong spices and flavors. I love Thanksgiving food, but it’s really lacking the punch of vinegar and strong garlic, isn’t it?

So here are the recipes I can’t stop making lately. They’re all fast, because we’re all so busy this time of the year, but they’re also all very much not holiday food (though a case could be made for pizza being holiday food).

Smitten Kitchen’s Pickled Cabbage Salad

I can’t stop making this recipe. It should go without saying that if you’re not a fan of vinegar, this salad is not for you. It packs so much punch, and I wish I would have had it when I was pregnant during my most intense vinegar-craving moments. And the best part of this salad is that it keeps for a whole week and still stays crunchy (which honestly feels like some sort of salad magic). Salad ready to go in the fridge? Yes, please!

Eric Kim’s Sheet Pan Bibimbap

This recipe has saved me a few times when I haven’t had much time to cook. I love dinners when I can just stick everything in the oven, and this one works so well. It’s a fast meal made even faster if you have leftover rice, and the gochujang hits all of the right notes in my post-Thanksgiving spice cravings. Two things to note: when cooking for four people, I find one pan of vegetables is not enough, so I usually add quick cooking veggies on the pan with rice. Brown rice, though not traditional, crisps up well too. And I can never get the egg cooked perfectly in the oven, so I often just do the eggs on the stove. If anyone has mastered the egg in the oven technique, please let me know.

(Note: I wish I had a photo of this recipe but don’t. Will add sometime in the future.)

King Arthur’s Pizza Crust

I love trying new pizza dough recipes but this has been my go-to recipe for awhile. What I like most about it is that I can make it the night before and stick it in the fridge. Then, even when I have two toddlers helping me with dinner, I have homemade pizza dough ready to go for a pretty easy meal. (Well, okay, fine – easy if you’re used to making your own pizza). And I love to experiment with the toppings. The pizza in the above photo is pretty traditional with mushrooms and the extra non-traditional touch of lemon zest. My latest pizza had shredded Brussel sprouts, which is a surprisingly good pizza topping, especially when paired with blue cheese, and, of course, extra garlic and red pepper flakes (because, once again, give me all of the garlic and spice right now).

Which recipes have you been making on repeat lately? Share in the comments below!

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